How developers add scalability in java application development?

· Java

Java developers know that Java programming language is one of the renowned languages that make development tasks simpler and time-saving. They usually perform java application development on the MVC framework that follows the MVC software architecture pattern. MVC frameworks have a staple of java software development including frameworks like WebWork, Wicket, Spring MVC, and GWT. Usually, such apps host the view code on the server, where these are rendered and delivered to the user. Submit a form in the browser, which will forward a request to the server and does the requested job and creates a fresh view.

Java application development framework

Till now, developers still follow the same model for most java apps. This model is responsive and swift and requires mobile accessibility. But today, most of the well-known software architectures are service-oriented and entire java developers community knows about these changes, paradigms, and frameworks. Let’s discuss the four – Spring, Dropwizard, Play, and Spark.

What criteria are required to select these frameworks?

  • A framework should be faster and can produce prototypes
  • A framework should be released under an OSI approved open source license.
  • A framework should be able to integrate into containers like Docker vs Heroku to make the ob of deployment easier.
  • A framework should support microservice and service-oriented architecture without pain
  • A framework must support the methodology of the twelve-factor app.

Now you will wonder what twelve-factor app is. It is a document that describes the features that empower an app to achieve a web-scale via hosting environment methodology.

Spring Spring is the oldest and most popular java framework that is expanded to include a full MVC framework and consistently adapted changes and becomes a comprehensive framework that offers security, web services, integration, etc. One of the new enhancements is Spring Boot that offers configuration and tooling and easily designs stand-alone apps.

Play It's not the Google Play, it is a web MVC framework that supports REST web services and Scala. Developers can enhance their productivity using this framework as it performs an immediate code refresh that doesn’t need restarting or republishing.

DropWizard It is a specialized framework that is focused on the rapid development and deployment of REST services and java web apps.


It is a simple framework that only supports Java 8. Spark Java is different from the apache spark. It makes a quick start by the “Hello World” web server, which takes just six lines of code. Officials have designed this framework for REST web services.

These four frameworks are essential in Java application development services to get the most attractive application solutions. However, selecting the right framework can be a bit challenging but skilled developers can make sound decisions and build intriguing app solutions for their clients.